HV Cable Transition Towers: A Collection of Design Possibilities

Transmission Structures

Cable transition transmission towers are usually of special interest since they offer a broad range of design options. Since these structures often adjoin public areas, visual impact has taken on growing relevance, especially given that cable terminations are comparatively bulky objects to be placed in elevated positions. Security against risk of explosive failure is even more important and this has been driving such installations toward composite-housed terminations.

INMR presents photos from its archive of cable transition tower designs to illustrate some of the different solutions adopted worldwide.

Cable transition structure near Berlin highway overpass.

Cable transition towers near airport in Madrid (top). Towers in northern Spain (middle) and southern Spain (bottom)
Stylistic cable transition tower in northeastern China.
Minimalist cable transition tower in southwest United States.
Sensitively located cable transition towers in Australia.
Discrete cable transition tower in Switzerland.
Futuristic cable transition tower in South Korea.
Sleek cable transition tower in Harbin, China.
Swiss transition tower with dry type terminations.
Compact, aesthetic cable transition tower in Switzerland.


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