Hotel Reservations Now Open for the 2025 INMR WORLD CONGRESS


The 2025 INMR WORLD CONGRESS in Panama City will be an outstanding skills enrichment & networking event for engineers and other professionals in transmission and distribution from across the globe.

With 120 experts giving some 140 technical presentations on practical topics in design, testing, operation and maintenance of MV and HV power networks, this event will be INMR’s largest and most ambitious such event.

A PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION will run in parallel to the Conference where attendees can interact with experts from leading international suppliers of key components, equipment and services for overhead lines and substations.

Those who are among the first 250 to register for this event before the deadline of June 30 will also be invited on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 19 to a special VIP Tour of the Panama Canal followed by a walking tour of Panama’s historic old quarter – the Casco Viejo.

Don’t miss this unique and privileged opportunity to stand directly alongside the famous locks of one of the greatest engineering achievements ever.

You can now also reserve your hotel requirements for this event at the five-star RIU Plaza in the very heart of Panama City, where hotel rooms (single or double occupancy) are available to attendees for the special group rate of only US$ 115 plus 10% tax per night, which includes daily hot and cold buffet breakfast and other amenities.

Please visit: where you can see the interim Program of SPEAKERS & TOPICS, register to attend and, as of this week, reserve your hotel needs for what will be a unique skills enrichment and networking event.


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