Aeolian Noise from Polymer Insulators Appropriate Countermeasures (VIdeo)


Aeolian Noise from Polymer Insulators Appropriate Countermeasures by Minoru Uehara

Aeolian noise from porcelain cap & pin insulators has been well studied in Japan and suitable countermeasures implemented. But since a major earthquake in 2011, V-string polymeric jumper supports have come to be used to resolve breakage of porcelain long rod insulators due to seismic forces. High frequency noise from these has been reported on towers of a 275 kV OHL passing a residential area. This presentation reviews the issue aeolian noise emanating from polymeric jumper supports whose design features sheds with larger spacing and under-ribs. Findings are also discussed from experiments conducted in a wind tunnel in collaboration with TEPCO Power Grid.


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