150 Practical Papers Focused on Key Topics in T&D at the 2025 INMR WORLD CONGRESS


INMR invites you to attend the 2025 INMR WORLD CONGRESS, which will take place in Panama City from Oct 19 to 22. This event will bring together hundreds of utility engineers as well as industry experts, opinion leaders and educators from across the Americas and around the world.

A range of over 120 distinguished speakers will deliver more than 150 practical presentations on some of today’s key topics in design, testing, application and inspection of key components for overhead lines, substations and underground power cables.

This information and knowledge will contribute toward improved network design, increased system reliability and reduced maintenance costs.

In addition, a PRODUCT & TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION will run in parallel with the 3-day conference. This will be an opportunity to examine the latest developments in insulators, surge arresters, bushings, cable accessories, inspection equipment, laboratory testing and more as well as to discuss your needs with world leaders in these fields. It will also be a chance to meet potential new suppliers who could one day help reduce acquisition and testing costs.

The many benefits of attending justify your participation or sending staff from within your organization.

You can also obtain additional information and register on-line by visiting: www.inmrworldcongress.com.

We look forward to your participation in what will be a truly outstanding event for everyone involved the electricity supply industry. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Marvin L. Zimmerman
Congress Chairman

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